North or South Lake?
Deciding which marina to depart from is typically location driven:Wahweap Marina in Page, AZ is the most convenient location if you’re coming from California, Arizona, Nevada or Southern Utah.
Bullfrog Marina in Bullfrog, UT is the most convenient location if you’re coming from Colorado, New Mexico, or Northern Utah.
Not all houseboats are available at both marinas, so the marina decision could also be made based on the type of houseboat you want to rent.Wahweap Marina located just south of the Arizona state border, is our largest marina and home of Lake Powell Resorts. Wahweap Marina can be found at the most southwestern point on Lake Powell and is open year round. There you’ll find our largest fleet of houseboats and recreational watercraft, a variety of restaurants, campground, swimming pools, and lodging with 350 rooms. Additionally, we are pleased to offer a wide assortment of marina services for our visitors with specific needs for their personal boat
Wahweap Marina, located just south of the Arizona state border, is our largest marina and home of Lake Powell Resorts. Wahweap Marina can be found at the most southwestern point on Lake Powell and is open year round. Here you’ll find our largest fleet of houseboats and recreational watercraft, a variety of restaurants, campground, swimming pools, and lodging.